
My Super Hero !

 Hmm, korang nak tau tak? Tadi kan, dia online! sape 'dia'? hihi of course la my super hero, dia comel sangatsangat!! First time, Bell addict dekat a guy this bad.. Tadi masa Nisaa datang rumah, we girls pun startla stalk form 5 punya FB. Tengok 2 dia online <3 tapi sayang sangat sebab elok-elok je nak tekan chat, dia dah off balik :(.. Takpe la, takde rezeki kot.. let me tell you things about him.

 He's in the same class as me, his sister is/was form 5 on 2011, He's name is *$#$@, But I rather call him by an artist name that my friend Hasya gave him, maybe not Hasya but somebody la.. He's super cute and he's so not like other guys.. He's kindda Alim type but not that serious *phew* .. Anyway... Seriously I fall for that guy!! but... rumors seriously bring me down, people said he already had a girl but half of his friend said he doesn't have one.. I'm not a kind nor pretty girl.. Sometimes I don't think i'll get him.. but no matter wat happen I will always love you and try my best to get you... Chaiyok!! <3

 And one more thing! he play tennis!! awesome right? but not as good as me :P hihi