But now my prince charming is on my way to safe me , I hope he wouldn't give up in finding me or fall for the wicked stepsister. I promise you I wouldn't go anywhere I just need you to find me , because I'm literally lock up inside my far far away castle. I will never gonna leave you my prince, lots of prince try to save me but they all died.. haihh
I don't need a rich person or super hot guy, I just need a guy who loves me. A guy who will save me and fight bad guy just to make me yours, i'm tired of fake prince. So please, i'll waiting for you forever. I want to be your wife and be a good mother to your kids. I need you, really. I need you to be with me when I can't sleep, i'll never hurt you my prince charming for. I promise
I want our love story to end with 'so they lived happily ever after .